
Allen O’Leary

A UK based kiwi into writing, digital and cycling.


Balance - life, one bicycle at a time

After a couple of years of development my ‘blog to book’ about cycling is ready to read and send around agents and publishers in the UK.

More here

The White Queen - play script

My play, ‘The White Queen’, now ready for reading and further workshops and placement in theatres.

This site now live

Moved form a wordpress blog that wan’t giving me any value to new lo-fi site made with Jekyll. I have added a lot of archive material here, including some digital works from last century and a lot of advice articles on writing.


I have a very occasional newsletter that goes to not many people; once or twice a year I post to it to announce something big - like a new play, work of non-fiction or sequence of poems.

Day by day I tend to pop stuff on Instagram: @allenoleary